EDM - Netsuite Webinar (copy 02)

Reminder: Webinar 12.30pm AEST



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Webinar: Positioning Your Business For Recovery As The Economy Re-opens

Save the date: Thursday, 25th June, 2020 | 12:30 p.m. AEST

As the economy starts to reopen, every business needs to assess their situation and start planning for what’s next. Having a strategy to operate during periods of great uncertainty is important to help businesses adapt and make the right decisions.

Join Oracle NetSuite, Hunter Amenities and Down Under Enterprises, as we discuss how your business can navigate the changes brought by this uncertain time and offer advice on how you can position your business for recovery.

From this webinar, you will:

- Take away practical advice relevant to your business and role, in navigating the effects of the current economic outlook

- Learn the best decision-making practices for the best outcomes at this critical time

- Managing your business in difficult economic situations

- Know how to create visibility within your operations to inform future decisions (including finances)

- Understand how government support can assist your business

- Positioning your business to recover and thrive

Meet The Speakers

Phil Prather

Phil Prather Sue McDonald

Head of Marketing/Operations                   Finance Director

Down Under Enterprises                            Hunter Amenities 

Mark Pesce Rob Eldridge

Host                                                            Value Consultant

                                                                   Oracle Netsuite