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- 8June2020_Monday
Startups key to economic recovery | Events-based businesses should still have 'Plan B' into 2021
Providing Australian business with news, analysisinspirational stories, expert advice and a range of informative resources.
Monday 8th June 2020
It would be an understatement for me to say that COVID-19 has changed the world and indeed the way many of us live. In Australia, though tragic in terms of the lives lost to date, we have been fortunate to avoid the significantly higher rates of infection and associated mortality that other nations have endured. As we have seen in the United States and Europe however, the key common thread has been the dramatic impact on local and global economies alike.
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak has been felt on major public events worldwide, with Japan flagging the postponement of this year’s Tokyo Olympic Games and...Read More
Australian micro businesses fared better than all comparative global markets, including the US, UK, Europe and Canada, in the wake of the...
A plan to re-ignite Australia’s languishing manufacturing sector was launched this week by the industry itself and will be delivered to government. The plan, which...Read More