05JAN2022-WED (copy 01)

Australian exporters continue to target world’s largest economy / Research reveals shocking amount of abuse experienced by Australian retail workers

Wednesday 5th January 2022

Australia is not the worst country for merchant fees, but it’s not the best either: COSBOA

In the absence of a regulation, what can SMEs do to get a better deal on merchant fees?

Australian exporters continue to target world’s largest economy

There has been a significant increase in Australian  companies looking to expand into the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Exporters hit by Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Airfreight shutdown

Cathay Pacific has suspended all long-haul freighter and cargo-only flights for a week following Hong Kong authorities’ decision to extend cargo crew’s quarantine period from three to seven days.

New research reveals shocking amount of abuse experienced by Australian retail workers

New research by the University of Sydney and the Australian National University reveals the massive toll of the pandemic on these workers.id:2022-01-04-14:42:25:009t

US Internal Revenue Service tweaks tax reporting requirements. How will it impact SMEs?

Third-party payment networks are required to send users Form 1099-K for transactions made by mail or electronically beginning January 1, 2022.

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